United States History I studied the Salem Witch Trials and the rights we gained as citizens from the wrongful executions. Students created headstone for those who were denied them at their time of death.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Stange
Common tombstone shape
Wood burning to create the tombstone and symbol.
The symbol and quotes were selected by students
One example with name, symbol and quote.
WATCH LIVE: Athens host Newman in Boys Basketball on our YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijyZL2ttj-c
about 4 years ago, School District of Athens
Fifth graders had the opportunity to finish Georgia O'Keeffe projects they started last year. They did a fantastic job showing value and creating beautiful compositions!
about 4 years ago, Melissa David
Georgia O'Keeffe Skull Landscape Project
Georgia O'Keeffe Skull Landscape Project
Georgia O'Keeffe Skull Landscape Project
Georgia O'Keeffe Skull Landscape Project
SURPRISE! The 2nd graders surprised Mr. Westfall and sang Happy Birthday before heading out for recess! Make sure to wish him a Happy Birthday!
about 4 years ago, John Keefe
2nd Grade
The Environmental Science class created birds that are adapted to live in their specialized habitat.
about 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Environmental Science Bird Adaptations Project
The Elementary kindness made it to my high school classroom too!! Thanks for sharing kindness week!
about 4 years ago, Kandi Gallagher
On December 2, National Special Education Day commemorates the nation's first federal special education law's anniversary. The federal government signed The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) into law on December 2, 1972. This day gave us the ongoing opportunity to help support and educate students with disabilities. Thank you to all of our special education teachers and staff!
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Special Ed day
Physics students are using a Force Table to experimentally determine the force vector that will "cancel" the other forces on the table.
over 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Using a  Force Table to find the equilibrant
Trying to get the forces to cancel is hard work!
Emersyn surprised us today sharing her message, which just happens to be the theme of our current unit in guidance! Priceless!
over 4 years ago, Terry Larsen
Thankful with a grateful Heart.
4th graders have been busy this past month learning about Wisconsin’s land regions in social studies class. Students made their own homemade clay, shaped it into the shape of Wisconsin and then once the clay dried, students drew the 5 land regions and painted them! To finish off their clay maps, students then made their legend/key to show what color was each land region and added a compass. They did a great job and had fun learning in a hands-on way even at home!!! You can make the clay at home as well. Here is the recipe. -1 cup salt -1 cup flour -1/2 cup water -2 Tablespoons vegetable oil Mix together well. The clay should have a consistency of play-dough (you may need to add additional flour). Enjoy :)
over 4 years ago, Kira Kalepp
On Tuesday the Sixth Graders weighed in on an important decision: which cat should Mr. Puffer adopt?! Thanks to their polished skills in respectful disagreement and discussion, a decision was reached: Say hello to Leo! Thank you for the help Class of 2027, he’s a keeper! 💙
over 4 years ago, Sam Puffer
The fifth grade had a class election for the President of the United States. Derek is casting his vote in the voting booth!
over 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
5th grade
After reading a story about making dioramas, the first graders in Mrs. Luther’s room made their own Thanksgiving dioramas.
over 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
1st grade
These two preschool students in Mrs. Hartwig’s class used “I can” learning target picture cards to build roads, bridges, towers, houses, and castles during our construction theme unit.
over 4 years ago, Courtney Hartwig
I can build a... road, house, bridge, tower or a castle.
The Dual Credit Written Communications class continues to update and perfect their resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills as they get closer to the end of their senior year.
over 4 years ago, Brenda Wilker
Students are learning how to use our new calculators for solving example problems in math. There is so much to discover yet with the help of technology!
over 4 years ago, Korey Rottscheit
Using our calculators
Math League is anxiously awaiting results from their first event which was held virtually on November 11th.
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Math league
Two 2nd Graders with their new class pet, Turkey Tom, and their wonderful turkey headbands!
over 4 years ago, John Keefe
2nd Grade
Xandria and Lydia completed building their stools for 7th grade encore class.
over 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Completed Stools
As we approach Thanksgiving break, Ms. Borchardt’s 3rd grade ELA class is working on getting ready for their Reader’s Theater presentations. The students have put so much time, effort, and hard work into practicing their parts and creating props that go with their characters. Way to go and cannot wait to see them in action! 🤩
over 4 years ago, Tianna Borchardt
Working hard on their props for their Reader’s Theater presentations!
Working hard on making creative props for her presentation!
Making an awesome hand turkey for one of her props!
Look at this awesome turkey prop and all the detail!