As we prepare for the 2025-2026 school year, we would like to inform you that the online registration window to register your student(s) will be open soon. The School District of Athens will once again use Infinite Campus Online Registration to register students in grades 4K - grade twelve, and to collect annual updates.  Please complete the online registration process by May 23, 2025.

Online Registration lets you add, update, and enter demographic, health, household, and contact information. The district will notify you once updates are reviewed (approved, held, or denied), with status updates sent via email. Applications can be saved, reopened later, and printed or saved as a summary.

Before beginning an Application, it is helpful to gather the following information:

  • Household information -- address and phone numbers

  • Parent information -- work and cell phone numbers, email addresses 

  • Student information -- demographic and health/medication information

  • Emergency Contact - addresses and phone numbers.

If you don’t know your Portal login, or if you have any questions regarding Online Registration, please contact us at #715 -257-7511 ext. 102, and request to speak with Becki Bliven.

New families applying to Maple Grove Charter School must also complete the Student Application Form. Online Registration does not guarantee enrollment.

Existing Families

If you have a student:

  • That is currently enrolled

  • That has previously attended an Athens Public School

  • That is currently enrolled plus adding a new student

Please login to Infinite Campus: ( and follow these online registration instructions.

  • On the left sidebar, click “More”

  • Click “Online Registration”

  • Click “Start”

  • Click “Begin Registration”

New Families

If you are a family who:

  • Is new to the district

  • Is enrolling their first child

  • Is enrolling their first child and your student has only ever attended Trinity or St. Anthony's

Please click on this link, and follow these online registration instructions.