In middle school science Mr. Dierich’s classes completed various projects about energy, and geologic timelines.
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
In Fish and Wildlife Ms. Stuttgen’s class is learning about habitats, wildlife history, and hunter safety. The class went on an adventure outside to the woods to look for deer pellets to estimate deer population, and got to score antlers this week. Good luck to all the hunters!
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Varsity and JV Boys Basketball Practices start tomorrow November 23rd 3:30pm
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Varsity and Middle School Wrestling Practices start tomorrow November 23rd 3:30-5:00pm
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
The rest of our turkey disguises!
over 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
These turkeys (disguised as other things) will not be caught this year!
over 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
This week the Athens High School Band students started learning about the history and music theory of Country music from the Carter Family of the 1920's to modern artists such as Chris Stapleton!
over 4 years ago, Sam Puffer
The Carter Family
Chris Stapleton
Third grade students learning about the engineering process through a number of activities. One I’m sure we have all tried before, cup phones connected with string.
over 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Telephone 1
Telephone 2
Thank you to all of our Bluejay Paraprofessionals! You Rock!
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Paraprofessional Day
Mary Hessefort
With yesterday's narrow victory, the Blue Jay Quiz Bowlers improved their conference record to 5-1, as they push for a slot in the playoffs!
over 4 years ago, Paul Hoffman
A gift of appreciation from the board. What a nice gesture.
over 4 years ago, Kandi Gallagher
gift of appreciation
2nd graders in Mrs. Henrichs' class practice "taking sides" in preparation for their opinion writing.
over 4 years ago, Stacy Henrichs
November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
The Academic Decathlon Team has excelled by scoring high enough to qualify for the Regional level of competition, despite only having 4 students available to compete against the 7-9 of most other schools.
over 4 years ago, Paul Hoffman
academic decathlon
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is starting their annual fundraiser today!! They are selling fruit, cheese, nuts, beef sticks and other tasty Midwestern treats. Sale ends November 30th. Delivery is scheduled for December 18th!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
Fruit Pamphlet Pic
Midwestern Flavors  Pic
As a requirement of the Department of Justice's Safety Grant, our district is participating in the Speak Up, Speak Out Wisconsin confidential reporting tip line. This tip line is can be used to report school threats, bullying, drug use, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and more. Visit and click on the red "Submit A Tip" button.
over 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Watch tonight's football game against Rib Lake/Prentice on our YouTube Channel.
over 4 years ago, School District of Athens
Girls Basketball Practices Start Monday November 16
over 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Friday the 13th phobias from Ms. Stange’s Dual Credit Psychology
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Stange
Easy phobia to guess
There are some rare phobias in this picture
Ms. Stange’s Duel Credit Psychology class recognized Friday the 13th by dressing up as phobias.
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Stange
What do you fear?
Phobias that are surprising.
Can you guess the phobias?
Kindergartners practiced making 10 by using this hand project as a visual and active way to find the missing addend
over 4 years ago, Carla Nowak
Making 10