The first graders in Mrs. Luther’s class choose two gingerbread men gift tags from the tree at the Athens Credit Union. They bought gifts for 2 children. Here they are delivering the gifts.
about 4 years ago, Kathy Luther
Gingerbread tree
Behind the scenes work - while a lot of staff and students are at home already, the maintenance and cleaning crews are still hard at work. Deep cleaning, replacing filters, and keeping our schools clean, safe, and running smoothly - THANK YOU for all the work we may not always see!
about 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
Maintenance work
Faculty and Staff at AES/ AMS and AHS participated in Jeans for a Cause. Staff donated items or monetary donations so they could wear jeans a few more times this month. The donations were for the Athens Circle ofJoy, Marathon County Humane Society and the Ronald McDonald House in Marshfield
about 4 years ago, Kathy Luther
Circle of Joy
Humane society
Athens Middle School students and teachers were able to enjoy a movie and snacks in the gym prior to leaving for Christmas vacation.
about 4 years ago, Chris Czech
MS Movie Day
Check out the Athens High School Band Christmas Program on our YouTube Channel.
about 4 years ago, School District of Athens
In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, please remember finding time to read to and with your child(ren) is still possible...and important! What a fun time of year to read holiday books and familiar bedtime favorites with a hopefully more relaxed schedule. Books like The Grinch and The Polar Express can be compared to the movies, too. If you are able to visit safely with relatives, that is a great opportunity for students to let their reading abilities shine brightly. Happy reading over a safe and healthy Christmas break, Everyone!
about 4 years ago, Mary Hessefort
Some of the 8th grade math students learned a new card game to share with family and friends over the holiday break.
about 4 years ago, Lori Ziegel
Some of the 8th grade math students learned a new card game to share with family and friends over holiday break.
Check out some of our Choirs performances for the Holidays on our YouTube Channel. 6th Grade Music Class: High School Choir:
about 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
Mrs. Haines’s class enjoyed getting ready for Christmas break by doing reader's theater plays, minute to win it games, and making miniature gingerbread houses. We hope you enjoy the holidays!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Minute to win it
Reader's theaters
Mrs. Henrichs's amazing 2nd graders chose to donate to the Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield for their Christmas celebration! Here they pose with the items purchased with their donations! 💙
about 4 years ago, Stacy Henrichs
Dec. 21
Merry Christmas from the Athens Math Department! Hope everyone has a relaxing and safe Holiday season!
about 4 years ago, Korey Rottscheit
Merry Christmas
Girl Scouts Update!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Girl Scouts
This just a reminder to come out tomorrow, December 19 from 12pm to 3pm, and support the Athens FFAs Drive-Through Canned Food Drive! FFA members will be collecting canned food items for the Circle of Joy at the VFW Pavilion at the Fairgrounds. Just drive up and drop off your donation. The FFA will be matching the donations.
about 4 years ago, Jessica Stuttgen
Food drive flyer.
Here is the direct link for today's Elementary Christmas Concert which starts at 1pm: Please share with friend and family. You can also view it on the later on on our YouTube Channel.
about 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
The Forward team is sponsoring holiday meals with friends and neighbors in Athens! To pre-register for a meal, contact the Circle of Joy at 619-890-9211.
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Holiday Meals
Each student discovers how they, like a puzzle, are a special piece that fits together to make their classroom great!
about 4 years ago, Terry Larsen
Each student discovers  how they, like a puzzle,  are a special piece  that fits together to make their classroom great!
Join us for our virtual Christmas Program, "The Christmas Cruise," starting Friday at 1:00 on our YouTube channel, School District of Athens Wisconsin. We are proud of our student musicians!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
The construction has begun on our gingerbread houses!! Perhaps a few architects are in the making :)
about 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
A student holding their roof in place.
Reconfiguring the original structure; a new plan in the making!!
All hands on deck lighten the load!!
Putting the fascia and soffit in place!!
Members or the Athens High School Band started something new to celebrate the holiday season; Bell Choir! Be on the lookout for the video of their performance on the School District of Athens social media accounts next week!
about 4 years ago, Sam Puffer
The Athens Band has something special cooking...
First graders even use their free time to practice words as they learn to read - keep stretching those brains!
about 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd