Students in Algebra 1 gave their "Genius Hour" presentations! It's always nice having students teach us something they know or have learned!
about 4 years ago, Korey Rottscheit
Homemade Cookies!
Bohr Model
Homemade Pancake Mixture
This week the 4th graders in Ms. Kalepp’s class celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. day on Monday, January 18th. Students were able to share their dreams for this nation as well. Please take a minute to read some of their dreams. They came up with some pretty powerful and real dreams. How would you complete this statement, “I have a dream...?”
about 4 years ago, Kira Kalepp
Grades 8-11 will pre-register for course during ACP on Monday, January 25th. Students will select courses they would like to see us offer in 21-22 school year. Final registration will take place on 3/24 and 3/25. Check out the Athens homepage for registration information.
about 4 years ago, Dan Nowak
Happy Friday everyone!
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Make today a good day
8th Grade Earth Science
about 4 years ago, Craig Diedrich
Exploring the Earth’s Insides
Kindergartners learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect no matter what they look like on the outside. Kindergartners learned that what really matters is who we are on the inside.
about 4 years ago, Carla Nowak
MLK Jr activity
MLK activity
The halfway point of the 2020 - 2021 school year is upon us!  That also means midyear testing will be taking place.  Testing should not bring about fear or worry.  Instead, it should be looked at as an opportunity to show what one knows and to discover what needs to be learned yet. Having a good attitude and trying to relax is very important.  Good luck to all Blue Jays as they get to proudly show what they know! 
about 4 years ago, Mary Hessefort
test taking
The Physical Science classes are taking time and distance measurements so they can calculate their average walking speed.
about 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Taking a time measurement for a distance of 5 meters.
Measuring the distance that is walked during a 5 sec interval.
Taking a few minutes to watch history in the making.
about 4 years ago, Kandi Gallagher
Inauguration Day
Mrs. Redmann and a 3rd grade student started the day off right by activating both the mind and body for a full day of learning! 😊
about 4 years ago, Tianna Borchardt
Sometimes unintentional learning has more impact than intentional learning!
about 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
Egg yolk project
Hats off to our 3rd grade builders who connected multiplication to the real world and created their very own array city! Keeping being the creative mathematicians that you are - awesome work! 🤩
about 4 years ago, Tianna Borchardt
Girls Basketball vs Phillips tonight canceled
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Third grade Earth and Moon unit project.
about 4 years ago, Renee Haines
Some students created a cookie or cracker moon phase. Some created a moon phase booklet, and we have one poster showing the lunar cycle. Great job students!
2D Foundations art students working diligently on their final project. They did a print of a section of a historical art piece. They researched their artist and then transformed their work into a print. They did a fantastic job representing the works in their linocut prints!
about 4 years ago, Melissa David
Jennifer E's Frida Kahlo
Sophia C's DiVinci
Hunter H's Munch
Kyler E's Magritte
2nd graders are having a "blast" launching marshmallows and knocking down pins as they experiment with force during science class!
about 4 years ago, Stacy Henrichs
marshmallow launching
knocking down pins
These first graders in Mrs.Luther’s room were learning about the design process and what engineers do. They designed their own back scratchers. Mr. Czech even got to check one out! Future engineers of America !
about 4 years ago, Kathy Luther
Mr c
Congratulations, Mrs. Literski!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Mrs. L Retirement
Athens High School Wrestling tonight in Mosinee at 4:30 pm Livestream
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
HS Wrestling
Athens Middle School Wrestling at Spencer tonight 5:00 pm Livestream
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke