Students working hard on reducing the weight of their C02 cars.
about 4 years ago, Shawn Steinke
Kaden Auner
Danica and Olivia
S.D. Ellenbecker employee and School Board President, Tim Krueger, poses with the company’s new office wall which was created from a piece of the old high school gym floor.
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
S.D. Ellenbecker Wall
Flat Stanley letters went out on their newest adventures today!
about 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
Flat Stanley
CLOSURE: The School District of Athens will be closed Thursday February 4th due to the weather. Students will not need to participated virtually.
about 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
Young Adult Medicine students learning medical terms by creating their own Memory game.
about 4 years ago, Jessica Bingham
YAM students playing Memory as a way to learn medical terms.
We found some wild animals in school! Students took some time to act out their favorite animals!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Wild Animals
Physics class is studying jet propulsion and are using balloon rockets to see who can get the highest average velocity.
about 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Nancy Schreiner is blowing up her balloon rocket for a test run.
These fifth grade were recently “twins” for the day!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Twins 1
Twins 2
Congratulations to Brooks Kraus for being a D3 Sectional Qualifier.
about 4 years ago, Dale Westfall
Brooks Kraus sectional qualifier
A fifth grader in Ms. Schelling’s class is working on Education Galaxy, which motivates students to achieve standards mastery in ELA and Math
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Ed Galaxy
These fifth graders enjoy reading a good book!
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Learning about the American Revolution
about 4 years ago, Todd Diethelm
6th  graders learning about the American Revolution
Future Business Leaders of America FBLA held regional leadership conference competitive events Jan 4-22. Eleven AHS students participated in virtual events on Jan 19 competing in region 2 which is comprised of over 20 schools in North Central Wisconsin. Good luck to all - top 3 will advance to state.
about 4 years ago, Roger Bloomer
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) will be taken next Tuesday-Thursday in grades 3-5. Arrive at school well rested, eat a good breakfast, and come with a positive attitude. Parent information regarding MAP:
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Thank you to Forward Financial for donating $1,254.39 to the district. These funds were received because those opening Charitable Money Market Accounts at Forward Financial have designated the School District of Athens as their organization.
about 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Forward Financial
Following Dr. King’s footsteps, 2nd graders share their dreams for the future!
about 4 years ago, John Keefe
2nd grade
English 9 students are reading ROMEO & JULIET by William Shakespeare and some are discovering they are liking this piece from the 1500s. Most of them never imagined this play could be entertaining and a bit fun to read. Keep reading everyone! :)
about 4 years ago, Brenda Wilker
Romeo & Juliet
Girls Basketball Varsity and JV games vs Augusta have been canceled for tonight.
about 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Healthy Relationships finished up the semester wearing Empathy Bellies and taking care of "Baby" through a series of stations where they practiced dressing, buckling and doing everyday activities while listening to babies cry. Take a look!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
Dressing "Baby"
Reading a story to "Baby"
Sweeping the floor
Buckling "Baby" safely in the car seat
Outdoor Adventures class enjoying winter activities before Christmas break.
about 4 years ago, Jessica Bingham
Before Christmas break, Outdoor Adventure students were able to play Broomball and Ice Skate during class.