🦊Maple Grove Charter School Announcement! 🦊 We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Open House & Family Night! This special event is a wonderful opportunity to explore your child’s school, meet their teachers, and enjoy a fun-filled evening with family and friends. What to Expect: ✅ Tour classrooms and meet our amazing teachers. ✅ Learn about our curriculum & programs along with upcoming events. ✅ Engage in fun activities sponsored by the Maple Grove PTO. ✅ Enjoy a delicious dinner with refreshments. ✅ Connect with other families in our Athens & Hamburg school community. This event is open to all families, and we encourage you to bring your children for an exciting evening of learning and fun. We look forward to seeing you there! For any questions, please contact Mrs. Diels in the main office. See you at Open House & Family Night on March 13th!
about 11 hours ago, Kaylin Byer
Open House 2025
Heritage Hills docent, Lori Vieau Jarvenpaa came to Maple Grove Charter School's fourth grade classroom recently. The students had been learning about the Wisconsin Tribal Nations and about the positive/negative French and British interactions before, during and after the time period of the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War. Lori came wearing authentic clothing, brought real trading furs and numerous historical artifacts from that time period. She had so much relevant information to share seeing as she is a true Metis (descendant from the Menominee Bear Clan and from the French-Canadian fur traders). The students were able to trade their furs for European goods, as well as, ask very inquisitive questions. We truly have great opportunities at Maple Grove and have wonderful connections that make these types of learning moments possible.
1 day ago, Jessica Barrick
Volunteering to share her knowledge to our learning.
Picking an item to rade for European goods.
A piece of metal stamped with the specific WI Tribal Clan.
So many different types of furs.
A leather, beaded bag.
They smoked the skunk smell out of the pelts.
Bead work on a moccassin.
A cup made from animal horns.
A carved drinking spoon that hung from the birch bark canoes.
Seeing maple sap turn into a different form than the students are used to seeing.
The School District of Athens will be closed today, Wednesday, March 5 due to inclement weather. There will be no afterschool activities or athletic events.
7 days ago, Rebecca Bliven
Wisconsin Representative Karen Hurd came to visit Maple Grove Charter School's 4th grade class. In honor of Dr. Seuss week, she started out with a read aloud called True Friend-False Friend (Mr. Sugar Comes to Call) written by Karen Hurd which she donated to our class. Turns out that she was a nutritionist and an author before entering politics. She did a wonderful job explaining the complicated process of how an idea becomes an actual bill by giving a real-life concern from one of her local constituents; allowing sap haulers to be exempt from the Spring road weight limits as her example. So many of the students could relate to this concern seeing as the majority of them; including our school are sap producers. We look forward to seeing Representative Hurd again in a couple of weeks when we travel to the Madison State Capitol for a tour.
7 days ago, Jessica Barrick
Rep. Hurd reading her very own authored book to the class.
Rep. Hurd talking about the amount of pages (1,964) that a  current bill she is currently working on has.
Students using their CRISP traits as they listened to our guest speaker, Rep. Hurd
Each student received a current WI map as a souvenir.  They are excited about their upcoming 2.5 hour road trip to the Madison State Capitol soon.
Come join Maple Grove Charter School at the Hamburg Community Hall for some delicious pancakes with "real" Maple Syrup on Sunday, March 30th!
9 days ago, Mrs. Hanson
🦊Maple Grove Charter School Announcement! 🦊 We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Open House & Family Night! This special event is a wonderful opportunity to explore your child’s school, meet their teachers, and enjoy a fun-filled evening with family and friends. What to Expect: ✅ Tour classrooms and meet our amazing teachers. ✅ Learn about our curriculum & programs along with upcoming events ✅ Engage in fun activities sponsored by the Maple Grove PTO. ✅ Enjoy a delicious dinner with refreshments. ✅ Connect with other families in our Athens & Hamburg school community. This event is open to all families, and we encourage you to bring your children for an exciting evening of learning and fun. We look forward to seeing you there! For any questions, please contact Mrs. Diels in the main office. See you at Open House & Family Night on March 13th!
14 days ago, Kaylin Byer
Open House 2025
🌞 I have said it many times before and I’m thankful to say it again – we have such a supportive community! A huge thank you to Kelly and Bruce Steidinger for designing, building, and installing the solar panel that will efficiently heat our garden shed. 🌱 Our second graders will soon be using this space to plant starter plants for our future garden. It’s a perfect fit with their literacy module unit on pollinators! 🐝🌻 Thanks again to the Steidingers for your time, talent, and dedication to MGCS! We are so excited about this new learning opportunity. It was a balmy 65 degrees in there today already! 🌞
16 days ago, Mrs. Hanson
Sunshine, smiles and snow at Maple Grove Charter School.🦊
19 days ago, Kaylin Byer
Lunch Recess
Lunch Recess
Lunch Recess
Maple Grove Charter School is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year! If you live OUTSIDE of the School District of Athens, you ALSO need to submit an Open Enrollment form through the WI Department of Instruction at dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year is February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm. You can get to the application through this link:https://forms.gle/u9eKRwYAinKnN2Rg7 or through the QR code on the flier. We look forward to having you a part of our Maple Grove Fox Family!
20 days ago, Mrs. Hanson
Maple Grove Charter School is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year! If you live OUTSIDE of the School District of Athens, you ALSO need to submit an Open Enrollment form through the WI Department of Instruction at dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year is February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm. You can get to the application through this link:https://forms.gle/u9eKRwYAinKnN2Rg7 or through the QR code on the flier. We look forward to having you a part of our Maple Grove Fox Family!
28 days ago, Mrs. Hanson
Today we celebrated the quarter 2 reading incentive! Learners that turned in their November and December reading logs were creative and "hip" in making their own personalized hats! Students K-3 had their names pre-printed, while students 4-5 showed their seniority in being independent designers. Students enjoyed frosting heart shaped cut out cookies and created bookmarks that will continue to be useful in future reading. Keep reading and encouraging the Maple Grove learners to set new goals and celebrate accomplishments along the way. The hats were so fun to see learners wearing proudly throughout the day!
29 days ago, Ms. Etten
Fifth grade adventurers from Maple Grove had an unforgettable overnight trip to Merrill School Forest. From studying Earth's water, cross-country skiing, and building winter survival shelters to singing around the campfire with s’mores and enjoying a traditional green pancake breakfast, it was a riveting trip!
about 1 month ago, Emily Szutkowski
Students stand in front of nature-made survival shelter and bonfire.
The girl group sits with their "Best Dormitory" plaque.
Students and parents practice skiing before getting on the trails.
Fifth grade girls flip green pancakes for breakfast.
Students sit around the campfire for stories and songs.
More parents and students sit by the fire.
Fifth grade boys start building a survival shelter.
Students work to stoke the campfire.
Students wait to get fitted for skiing gear.
Maple Grove Charter School is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year! If you live OUTSIDE of the School District of Athens, you ALSO need to submit an Open Enrollment form through the WI Department of Instruction at dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year is February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm. You can get to the application through this link:https://forms.gle/u9eKRwYAinKnN2Rg7 or through the QR code on the flier. We look forward to having you a part of our Maple Grove Fox Family!
about 1 month ago, Mrs. Hanson
Pearl and Buttercup have been taking field trips to some student homes these past few weekends!
about 1 month ago, Kerri Zamzow
Due to extremely cold temperatures anticipated in our area tomorrow evening, we want to prioritize everyone's safety, and we feel it is appropriate to reschedule the January 20th Athens School Board Meeting. Tomorrow night's school board meeting is rescheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5 PM. Thank you for understanding.
about 2 months ago, Rebecca Bliven
What a fantastic movie night at Maple Grove Charter School! 🎥🍿 Big thanks to the PTO for making it happen! 🙌 It was awesome to see such a great turnout! 🎉
about 2 months ago, Mrs. Hanson
Ms. Ettens 1st grade class at Maple Grove Charter School was able to become astronomers as they entered the Star Lab last week! The Star Lab brought outer space, galaxies, constellations, and so much more to life. Learners have been studying the sun, moon, and stars in their EL Module as well as making constellations of their very own. It was amazing to hear the oohs, aahs, and downright screams as the students entered a black dome that came to life with a flip of a switch. Right in front of their eyes appeared the Big Dipper, Orion's Belt, and so many other star patterns. Being able to experience this has inspired the learners to continue their studying and has even given some the idea and desire to become scientists, astronomers, or physicists!
about 2 months ago, Ms. Etten
The MGCS kindergarten class concluded their learning on "Weather Wonders" by inviting WAOW meteorologist Justin Loew to share his expertise! Learners were able to demonstrate their weather knowledge and also ask their burning questions about how he appears on TV. Thank you, Mr. Loew- we always appreciate your time! ❄️🌤
about 2 months ago, Sabrina Riehle
Thanks to the Maple Grove Charter School's PTO sponsorship, Mrs. Garvin's fourth graders have had two amazing outdoor experiences at the Merrill School Forest. This time, students learned the history of local Wisconsin logging; including the lumberjack lingo, various job roles and responsibilities. They also had a firsthand experience with a silently, efficient lunch and with using a two man crosscut saw. We are grateful for these experiences. Thank you!
2 months ago, Jessica Barrick
Measuring diameter at breast height (DBH).
Using a Doyle stick to measure diameter, board feed and amount of board lengths.
Using local historical photographs to examine the structures of a logging camp.
Analyzing old newspaper artifacts of logging history.
Re-enacting the process of trees to logs.
Using perseverance the old-fashioned way.
"See."  "Saw."  This was the verbal communication used when using a cross-cut saw.
Thanks to Trout in the Classroom and to the St. Croix Fish Hatchery, students at Maple Grove Charter School once again have the opportunity to raise Brook Trout from eggs to adults. The trout have currently progressed from eggs to alevins to fry. Fourth grade students have been their stewards since their arrival this past November. Some of the responsibilities have included: cleaning the tank, monitoring water quality, removing dead eggs/alevins and properly/regularly feeding them. We are thankful for this wonderful opportunity and can't wait to see them grow through their remaining life stages.
2 months ago, Jessica Barrick
Looking closely at viable eggs.
Acclimating the eggs to the tank's water temperature.
Monitoring the hatching of eggs.
Preparing to release the fry who now have their bellies absorbed.
Observing the release of trout from the breeder basket to the large tank.