Maple Grove is a public charter school. This means that we are a part of the School District of Athens and are funded through the school district. What makes us unique and different is that we have a Governance Board that helps make decisions and ensure that we are following the charter contract, required by The Department of Public Instruction. We are accepting of all children K-5 that might benefit from this type of school.
Maple Grove School’s Mission
Maple Grove School seeks to develop the whole child through the provision of exploratory experiences where students will engage in hands on approach in project development through cultural connections to our traditions, opportunities and our greater community.
Maple Grove School’s Vision
Maple Grove School will honor and sustain our proud history and traditions through educational excellence for community students, families, and residents.
Exploratory Learning
Exploratory learning inspires teachers and students to learn using new levels of focus and effort, and transform schools into places where students and adults become leaders of their own learning. We provide a model that challenges students, even those starting with low skill levels, with high-level tasks and active roles in the classroom.
CRISP Traits
Our Maple Grove Students form multiage crews where together they build the school environment. Our school is based on the following traits: Craftsmanship, Respect, Integrity, Stewardship, and Perseverance, also known as CRISP. These traits are embedded in all we do, from the quality of work and feedback that is given, to the helper jobs that all are involved with. We compost, have a garden, recycle, maintain trails on our campus, help one another, and take care of our school.