After learning about forensics, students were able to analyze fingerprints.
almost 4 years ago, Katrina Penney
Important Notification for Juniors and Parents: The ACT exam will take place on Tuesday, March 9th at Athens High School beginning at 8:00 AM. An ACT make-up exam will be provided on March 23rd to Juniors who are unable to attend testing on March 9th due to quarantine.
almost 4 years ago, Dan Nowak
The 4th graders welcomed a guest reader to our classroom to celebrate Read Across America week. What a fun way to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday!
almost 4 years ago, Danielle Diedrich
Guest reader
Guest reader
Guest reader
Congratulations to the Town of Hamburg and Maple Grove School!
almost 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Maple Grove
Through the month of February, the 3rd grade students were challenged to fill their hearts with reading. The set goal was 5,000 minutes and together they surpassed that goal by reading 10,000 minutes for the month! Congratulations, and keep on reading! 🤩
almost 4 years ago, Tianna Borchardt
Ms. Borchardt’s class.
Mrs. Haines class.
"Success is no accident. It's hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." -
almost 4 years ago, Chris Czech
Parents - you are invited to attend a virtual event on tobacco and e-cigarettes. This is a free event that will be held on March 10th, starting at 6:30 PM on Zoom - Join us at-
almost 4 years ago, Dan Nowak
Free Virtual Seminar for Parents
Fifth graders made a diorama from one event/scene in a book they read!
almost 4 years ago, Jackie Schelling
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
National Honor Society (NHS) did a great job reading to their friends at Athens Elementary. A great time was had by all! Happy Read Across America!
almost 4 years ago, Dee Brewster
First graders in Mrs. Luther's class had some fun on Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Bingo 2
Specialty Foods recently had their layer cake competition! Check out the submissions!
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
Red Velvet with Vanilla Icing
German Chocolate
Chocolate on Chocolate
Hats off to reading! What a great way to start Read Across America!
almost 4 years ago, Dee Brewster
Section 2 of C02 cars. Here are the best of show and race winners.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Steinke
Best in show Winners
Best in show car winners
Race winners
Race winning cars
Mrs. Haines and Ms. Borchardt’s classes enjoy the snow, but it made rolling the snow very challenging. That’s why many students just played on the hill. As March approaches and we celebrate Dr.Seuss and St. Patrick’s Day, our students are in for a few surprises!
almost 4 years ago, Renee Haines
3rd Graders having fun at recess.
getting in the mood for March fun with rainbows, leprechauns, and basketball .
Enjoying the snow hill in our combined third grade recess.
Our boys certainly offered up an awesome basketball season this year
almost 4 years ago, Paul Hoffman
Blu jay boys baketball
The season may be over but our girls basketball era sure gave us an awesome season
almost 4 years ago, Paul Hoffman
Girls on the move
The Athens Board held a Special Meeting this morning and voted 6-0 to accept the detachment/attachment resolution brought forward by petitioners from within the Merrill Area Public School District. We can now officially welcome the entire Town of Hamburg and the Maple Grove Charter School students and parents to the Athens School District . . . It's a Great Day to be Bluejay and Fox!
almost 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
Bluejay Fox
Developing scientists at AMS!
almost 4 years ago, Craig Diedrich
8th Grade Social Studies
almost 4 years ago, Danielle Gauerke
Todd Diethelm
Coming next week--Read Across America. Monday is Hats off to Reading! Wear a hat!
almost 4 years ago, Dee Brewster