Freshmen physical science class is currently studying electricity so they had some fun with the Van de Graaff generator and learned how static charge can build up. They explored how an electroscope works and how pieces of paper can be moved by induction.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Sophia has electrons building up while touching the Van de Graaff generator.
Jenna experiments with induction and pieces of paper.
Chemistry students are testing paint samples to find out if there is lead in the paint.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Chemistry students use mortars and pestles to crush the paint samples before treating them with an acid to release lead ions.
As we continue through Mental Health Awareness Month, we need to acknowledge that this topic can be uncomfortable to talk about. However, talking with children and adolescents, and building those connections, is one of the best ways to help predict positive health outcomes in adulthood. It was found that adults who experienced strong connections as youth were 48%-66% less likely to have mental health issues. (infographic taken from:
almost 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Wellness Wednesday
Excellence in Education Virtual Banquet on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, honored Athens' top two graduating seniors and their selected educator they felt made the greatest impact on their education.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Wilker
brochure front
Athens' page
Specialty Foods spent the last week practicing their hands-on grilling skills!! The students were able to grill brats, pork-chops that they had brined overnight, pineapple, asparagus and marinated chicken breasts.
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
temping the meat to ensure safety
flipping the chicken and asparagus
checking the brats
Turning the pineapple over!
Students are making new table tops in the wood shop. Here are the before and after photos. We owe Stetson Hardwoods a huge thank you for the donation of lumber. All the tables will have new tops thanks to them.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Steinke
Just some 4th graders doing some grammar’s always more fun when you are good and comfy!
almost 4 years ago, Danielle Diedrich
Doing some online grammar review
Doing some online grammar review
The first graders were outside enjoying spring by acting out parts of trees last week.
almost 4 years ago, Cherish Byrd
tree parts
tree parts
tree parts
The physics class is experimenting with Boyle's law to see how pressure and volume of a gas are related.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Cobie is using a Vernier caliper to precisely measure the diameter of the plunger during the Boyle's law experiment.
Students in Mr. Steinke's Craftsmanship class made a charcuterie board for Great Lakes Cheese to display at the Wausau Business expo. Check out the great work they did and check out the cheese as well!
almost 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
7th Grade FCS made an early morning snack of Puppy Chow today!!
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. N.
Fastest way to mix it up!!
Shake, Shake, Shake!!
Shake, shake, shake!!
A few of the 5th graders chose to spend their recess time in the health office helping with small projects. We did a lot in a short amount of time and had a few giggles while we worked!
almost 4 years ago, Aliya Thunder
5th Graders
The physics class is experimentally determining the specific heat capacities of some metals.
almost 4 years ago, Mary Nelson
Caleb reads the thermometer during a physics lab - determining the specific heat capacity of a metal.
Identifying and classifying polygons!
almost 4 years ago, Jackie Schelling
5th grade
5th grade
Students are working on making new table tops for the wood shop.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Steinke
Murk and Gary
Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness Month? This was first established in 1949, and an emphasis was placed on children's mental health starting in 2006, with May 7th being recognized as National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day. Athens will be featuring information about Mental Health every Wednesday. If you are noticing that your child may not be 'themself' lately or a change in habits, here are some ways that you can support your child. (infographic from If you feel your child needs more help, please contact Athens Elementary or High School to get information about our school-based mental health services.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Steinke
Wellness Wednesday
Today the 3rd grade students entered a Perimeter Construction Zone! 🚧🦺 They were a hard working crew while calculating the perimeter of rectangular “buildings.” Way to use great teamwork in the math work zone 3rd graders! 🤩
almost 4 years ago, Tianna Borchardt
May 2021
May 2021
May 2021
May 2021
On May 27th, the Edgar School District mental health team will host a presentation on the impact of social media on kids mental health. Please see the attached flyer for more details on how you can be part of this online event.
almost 4 years ago, Dan Nowak
Social Media and Mental Health
We have teamed up with Wegner Equipment LLC to have them showcase the Husqvarna's robotic mower. They wanted a visible place that people could see it and we accepted. Check it out as you drive by while we try this demo out!
almost 4 years ago, Nathan Brost
Robot Lawn Mower
Bluejay Buddies in action helping out in the cafeteria!!
almost 4 years ago, Jackie Schelling
5th grade
5th grade