Mrs. David's Digital Art and Mr. Steinke's Beginning Craftsmanship Classes worked on creating, fixing and wrapping this door. Check out the great work the students did.
The Middle/High School parking lot will be closed July 1st and 2nd for the rescheduled backtop project.
Due to the weather, the Middle/ High School parking lot will not be worked on this week. We will let you know when the rescheduled work will be done.
Gondolas are the main mode of transportation in Venice, Italy so our 2nd and 3rd graders constructed their very own foil gondolas. We tested each of their boats to see how much weight they could hold before sinking. The students worked really hard with their partners and it was fun to see their final products! 🤩
Our second week of summer school students learned about space and rockets! The kids learned about the 4 forces of flight; lift, thrust, drag and weight and then they had to build their own rocket. They learned fast that if they had too much weight on their rocket it didn’t fly far. The longest rocket flew 221 inches!!!!
Good Luck to the AHS pole vaulters as they “Fly High” at state track.
State Track
State Track
Before the end of the school year, fifth grade students had orientation with Mrs. Gauerke-Peter to learn about middle school and tour the building.
The Middle/High parking lot will be closed on June 24th and June 25th for repair.
Second grade scientists learned about seed dispersal. In one plant, the sun heats the pods causing the pods to spring open, exploding the seeds to new places. Here you see the kids making their own model of an exploding seed pod.
Here is the information for June 17th WIAA Sectional Track Meet at Cameron. Track athletes bus to Cameron will be leaving at noon on Thursday.
Our 2nd and 3rd graders learned all about Mexico this week. To celebrate their learning, we had a fiesta! The students broke open the piñatas they made and enjoyed eating tortilla chips and salsa! They also played fútbol, otherwise known as soccer, which is Mexico’s most popular sport!
Incoming preschoolers enjoyed the week learning about bugs, frogs, camping, and the ocean. We made some fun projects, ate some yummy snacks, played games, and made new friends.
We held a successful Tractor Safety course this year. We have 8 new certified tractor drivers. Thank you to Mr. Brost for assisting with the driving test and allowing us to use his family’s tractor.
We kicked off our first week of summer school discussing the sun and solar energy. We decided to test out how well solar energy works by creating our own solar ovens. What better way to test out our ovens than by making s’mores? The s’mores passed inspection! Yummmmm!!!
Here is the information for June 14th WIAA Regional Track Meet at Cadott. Track athletes bus to Cadott will be leaving at noon on Monday.
5th grade learning about logging camps in American history!
The kindergartners enjoyed a field trip to Erbach Park. They enjoyed eating a picnic lunch, building a huge sand castle wall, playing on the equipment, and a scavenger hunt on the trails. We are so fortunate to live in a community that offers such great places for our kids!
Fifth grade fun on field day!!