Wellness Wednesday: Get Outside!
Sunshine is FREE and can boost mood and physical health. The sun provides the body with Vitamin D. Vitamin D has been shown to improve your immune system, lift your spirits, and help you to be more productive.
Some activities you can do to soak in the Sun include:
Go for a walk
Sit outside and read a book
Join an outdoor activity
Have a picnic meal/snack
sources:https://www.aapacn.org/learn_more/wellness/, https://www.dailyinfographic.com/vitamin-d
Fall is in the air! Preschoolers have been busy learning about the fall season through fun stories, activities, a scavenger hunt, and making homemade applesauce.
Parents/Guardians: Please use the following link to register your middle/high school student for sports for the 2021-2022 school year.
The School District of Athens in conjunction with Marathon County Special Education is currently hiring paraprofessionals. For more information apply online here!
Family Foods wowed with their Free Cook Friday selections today. The students have been working on time management, recipe selection and dish integrity the past few Fridays and are progressing nicely!! Take a look!!
Even though Joy, Juli, Robin, and Andrea would be the first to say they don't like to call themselves "bosses," they do lead our schools in magnificent ways. Happy Boss's Day 2021!
Athens Spirit! Athens Cemetery Association, Athens Acres 4H, and AHS National Honor Society (NHS) met to do a Fall Clean up at the cemetery. It was a beautiful morning and a lot of work got done. Great things happen when groups work together.
4th graders made some AMAZING Expressive Self-Portraits! Check them out!
There will be a Mental Health Awareness event on Wednesday, October 20th at 6:00 PM at Edgar High School. This presentation is available to all Athens families. You can either attend in person or join online via Zoom. The attached flyer has details on how to register.
The Wausau Fire Department will be hosting a career night on October 25th from 6:30 -9:00 pm. Students interested in a possible career as a firefighter or paramedic are invited to attend. Details are on the attached flyer.
Digital Arts students are really honing in their photography and editing skills!
Tech Ed students attended the Construction Trade Career Day at the Central WI Convention and Expo Center. They were able to participate in hands on activities and talk to organizations about education, wages, and benefits.
These five FFA members had a great time at the Fall Leadership Workshop in Spencer on October 5th. The officers learned about their specific officer positions and our middle school member learned about all the opportunities FFA can provide.
If you were unable to attend the financial aid meeting last night, please check out this helpful video explaining the financial aid process.
Second graders worked really hard on the beginning of the year testing. They did great giving their brains a workout.
6th graders made some high quality coil pots! Kudos for all your hard work!
The Outdoor Adventure students got into playing the new game, CrossNet/4Square.
2D Studio's Triptych assignments were really great! They explored different media while observing an object from different angles.
On Monday, October 11th - Athens High School will host a financial aid night for college bound seniors and their families. The meeting will take place in the ITLC starting at 6:30 PM.
Our fifth graders are so thoughtful! They devised this awesome plan to surprise me for my birthday. They lured me out of my room so when I came back they could surprise me with homemade confetti and posters. They even cleaned up their mess! What a wonderful birthday surprise!