The Athens Distinguished Alumni Award is back!
The School District of Athens has developed an annual award to be given to 1-6 Athens Distinguished Alumni. The purpose is to provide inspirational role models for students through recognition of Athens graduates while promoting a legacy of community pride. Graduates may be alive or presented posthumously.
Nomination forms are due back by March 15. Paper copy forms are available at the Athens High School office.

The new Girls in Tech Ed class are making some sparks fly as they work to finish their projects.

On a winter's day in February, what is better than hot cocoa and a cool book? Sixth graders enjoy good books in the library and extra chocolatey hot cocoa.

Students created tasty snowpeople for Check-n-Connect Wednesday fun!

Great showing, Athens HS, at the SubDistrict level of High School Forensics at Medford HS. This group did a fantastic job and all will be moving on to the District level in early March. Congratulations.

The Ag room has been pretty active the last few weeks. Agronomy completed an edible soil profile lab and Equine Science completed a pasta skeleton lab.

FCCLA enjoyed their time with our elementary-aged friends decorating cookies for Valentine's Day!! Sweet treats sure bring lots of smiles!! Well done, ladies!!

On behalf of the School District of Athens employees, in partnership with Forward Bank, I would like to share some very exciting news with the Athens community. Forward Bank deposited $1,681.62 into the School District of Athens BCMMA as a result of designee’s selections for the Charitable Money Market Account. These monies will be used to support student learning, achievement, and success!
If you are interested in learning more about the Charitable Money Market Account opportunity at Forward Bank, please visit the website: www.forward.bank/personal/checking/charitable-money-market-account/
We appreciate the opportunity to partner with Forward Bank. @ForwardBankWI
Andrea Sheridan, Superintendent School District of Athens

What do we do on Friday when we have ALL of our homework done and just ACED a test? We play “Like Terms Uno,” of course! 7th grade math is FUN!!!

A few high school students competed in the SkillsUSA Competition at NTC on February, 4th. We had students entered into photography, welding, and team engineering. We couldn't get a picture of the welding students but we enjoyed our time at the competition.

"The life I love is making music with my friends." Mr. Triebold and AES are excited to announce the all-new 4th and 5th Grade Choir! These dedicated students give up their lunch recess twice a week to join voices in singing, and the results are truly beautiful. Well done, AES!

Mrs. Wilker's Novels & Society class had fun creating some imaginative projects (a map of the island the book is set on and newspaper front pages that reported their rescue) as they read the book LORD OF THE FLIES by William Golding.

Foods Today students had an opportunity to learn about the nutritional science behind MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) as well as how they are made. They enjoyed the demo and then got to sample the flavors by doing it for themselves. They had a blast!!!
A huge thank you to the United States Air Force for lending their recruiters to us for the day!!

Wellness Wednesday: Turn up the Music!
Enjoying music - whether you’re playing or listening - can elevate your mood and motivation and aid relaxation.
-Create an upbeat playlist
-Learn to play an instrument
-Cut a rug and dance!
sources:https://www.aapacn.org/learn_more/wellness/, https://www.merriammusic.com/images-2/fun/music-effect-brain-and-body/

3rd graders at Athens Elementary listened to "The Iciest, Diciest, Scariest Sled Ride Ever," by Rebecca Rule during their library time. They then reenacted the main scene. Check out their sled and their expressions. Great acting by all!

If you are interested in being a sub, please check out the flyer for more information.

Parents are invited to register 4 year-old students for Pre-K and 5 year-old students for Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year by calling 715-257-7571.
Parents of children ages 2.9 years old to 5 years old who have concerns about their child’s development are invited to call 715-257-7571 to request a developmental screener. The screener addresses concerns regarding a child’s gross or fine motor skills, communication, cognitive, or social-emotional needs.
Se invita a los padres a inscribir a los estudiantes de 4 años en Pre-K y a los de 5 años en Kindergarten para el año escolar 2022-2023 llamando al 715-257-7571.
Se invita a los padres de niños de 2,9 años a 5 años que tengan inquietudes sobre el desarrollo de sus hijos a llamar al 715-257-7571 para solicitar una evaluación del desarrollo. El evaluador aborda las inquietudes relacionadas con las habilidades motoras gruesas o finas, la comunicación, las necesidades cognitivas o socioemocionales de un niño.

First grade students and staff worked together to discuss equality and freedom, finishing with an egg experiment on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day .

Our 3rd grade students have been showing off their multiplication skills with arrays, repeated addition, and the distributive property. These mathematicians are now ready to take on division! 🤩

Please see attachment regarding the changes to the Walter and Mabel Fromm Scholarship.