Spread the word about our upcoming 4K registration day on March 28th. See the flyer for details.

The School District of Athens will be closed today, Wednesday, March 5 due to inclement weather. There will be no afterschool activities or athletic events.

The first graders at Athens Elementary are 100 days smarter! The students had activities centered around the number 100, and the day ended with an all-school 100th Day Bingo!

Thank you to the families who braved the cold air to attend Family Literacy Night at AES! Information on ACT 20 was shared along with multi-level vocabulary and language games for families to experience.

Due to extremely cold temperatures anticipated in our area tomorrow evening, we want to prioritize everyone's safety, and we feel it is appropriate to reschedule the January 20th Athens School Board Meeting.
Tomorrow night's school board meeting is rescheduled for Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5 PM.
Thank you for understanding.

Tonight we welcomed our first Hall Walker! She is from Edgar and is happy to have a warm place to walk. AES halls are open until 8:00 tonight. 15 laps = 1 mile
Looking for a free and safe indoor walking space? Athens Elementary School is it! Small but mighty, the center hallways will be open to members of the community ages 18 and up on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM starting on Tuesday, January 6th. Please see the attached poster or click the link to view the poster and more information.
https://www.canva.com/design/DAGazPj84HA/F_MFWzANZK0WuXPeqOEOvg/view?utm_content=DAGazPj84HA&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel link

The PK-1st graders at AES enjoyed a Friendship Feast together last week. Everyone brought a little snack to share so that when we combined what everyone brought, we had more than enough for a feast!

Happy National School Psychologist Week!

AES students honored local Veterans yesterday during a special program presented by Ms. Schelling, Mrs. Thompson's 5th graders, and our music teacher, Mr. Triebold. We thank the Veterans of our AES families, staff, Athens community, and beyond for their service.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/XfRrWfZeL9s

Halloween has come and gone. Preschoolers have enjoyed working on a variety of Halloween math and early literacy activities from shape pumpkins to feeding Frankenstein letter Aa pumpkins and working on our fine motor skills.

First graders at Athens Elementary had a wonderful time celebrating Halloween!

Fourth graders from AES had an impactful outdoor learning adventure while hiking a portion of the Ice Age Trail in Westboro, Wisconsin. They enjoyed the chilly but beautiful fall day exploring the trail and learning about our state’s amazing glacial landscape.

Girls in grades 3-5 from all of the Athens area schools participated in the AHS Little Diggers Volleyball Night. For 3 practices they learned all skills of the game and then showed parents, family members and volleyball fans what they learned.

Mrs. Hartwig's preschoolers took a nature walk around school to collect fall leaves for their enrichment Friday activity. Students learned that different types of trees have different size and shapes of leaves. We talked about the different colors leaves change in fall. Afterwards, the students made a fall tree sun catcher with the leaves they collected.

Kindergarteners in Mrs. Markman's class welcomed Fourth Graders from Mrs. Luther's class into our room for Bluejay Buddy Reading time. Kindergarteners each picked out a book from our classroom library that they wanted their buddy (or buddies) to read to them. They are very excited to continue making connections with their 4th grade buddies throughout the year!

Welcome to the School District of Athens!

Athens Elementary students took part in the AES PBIS Behavior Expectation Rotations on our first day of school. Being respectful, responsible, safe, and kind are all a part of the Bluejay Way!!

I am learning more about my new fifth grade students through this About Me activity!

2nd Chance Order! If you missed the first order for Athens Bluejays Apparel, here is a second chance! Website says order by August 28th, but that will be extended to September 6th. Thank you for supporting your Athens Bluejays! https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/dDThxqE8yd

Last day of fifth grade for these awesome AES Bluejays!